Write to Change NextGen Aiken SC Social Action Team.
Established by Write to Change in 2017, the Write to Change NextGen Aiken SC Social Action Team is led by Kayla Hyatt-Hostetler, who is an accomplished teacher at Aiken High School and Site Mentor for the Middlebury BLTN NextGen Youth Leadership Network.
The Write to Change NextGen Aiken SC Social Action Team relies on youth ingenuity and knowledge to address pressing community issues and creating catalysts for sustainable change. Together, we hope to identify key issues impacting young people in communities and to develop inclusive practices that make it possible for collective action. NextGen serves locally as mentors to children, teens, and youth-serving organizations, leading Family Literacy Nights, community resource fairs, volunteering within their community, and serving statewide as resources to organizations involved in providing equitable opportunities for youth in low-income (and other) communities.